Sunday, June 7, 2009

Birthday + Farabi Exam + Prewedd photo session 3 + Family Dinner = FUN DAY!!!

yes, judulnya panjang bgt yak... tp gpp lah, emang itu yg gw rasain hari ini, berasa panjang bgt...

dimulai dari hari ini, tgl 7 juni 2009, yang juga merupakan ulang taun gw yang ke.... (boleh diisi sendiri).
it's really fun when you realize that so much people that care to you... dari telepon, sms, ym, msn, facebook yang mengisi hari2 gw dengan greetings & wishes... (terutama facebook sih, ga berhenti2 notificationnya).... dan siangnya waktu lagi foto prewedd kakak gw, gw dapet lagi surprise yang cukup mengagetkan dan bikin speechless... hihihi....

what else happen today? farabi exam? hmm, lancar2 aja ujiannya, ternyata ga sesusah yg gw bayangin... tinggal siapin buat ujian praktek 2 minggu lagii... huhuh.. thanks buat Stella yang udah nemenin perjalanan kesana... hehe, kalo ga ada dia, bisa cengo deh di cempaka putih... thanks juga buat Mas Bimo dan Jenna yang udah banyak bagi2 ilmu... hehe, jadi lancar deh ujiannya... thanks yaaa...

hmm, dari situ langsung meluncur ke radio dalem buat foto prewedd session 3... hehe, cape sih... tapi tiba2 ada yg nongol ngasih surprise... jadi semangat lagi.. haha....

abis itu family dinner deh di sushi tei pim 2... it's fun... udah lama ga ngumpul2 gini dan udah lama juga ga makan sushi tei... hari2 makan nasi ayam bakar mulu... hahahaha....

btw, thanks for all the wishes and greetings.... *hug..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm posting it using my email

Just a test posting
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jazz Quotes of The Day

"Life is just like listening to jazz music, we don't know what note will be played next"

- Nicolaus Edwin Fitrianto -

Friday, March 27, 2009

Jazz Quotes of the Day 27-03-09

"If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know"

-Louis Amstrong-

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stupidity of the Day

18 Maret 2009
Ceritanya berawal waktu jalan ke kantor, di mobil berdua sm nyokap. Gw lewatlah rute biasa, buat menuju ke halte busway masjid agung, trus lanjut naik busway ke kantor.
Biasanya gw bertiga sm kakak gw, tapi berhubung gw hari ini masup siang, jadilah gw pergi berdua sm nyokap. Seperti biasalah, gw nyetir sambil ngobrol sm nyokap. Begitu nyampe di perempatan kejagung, begini kejadiannya:

Nyokap : *asik cerita
Gw : *asik nyetir
Polisi di seberang jalan : *nunjuk-nunjuk mobil gw
Nyokap : Lah, nic, kok mobil kita ditunjuk2 sama polisi?
Gw : oiya, kenapa yah? ngga nunjuk kita kali mah?
Polisi yang tadi: *nyetopin mobil gw, ngasih isyarat buat minggir
Nyokap : lah kok kita disuruh minggir sih kenapa yaa??

gw berpikir keras, apa yg salah safety belt pake kok, nomer belom juga abis, lampunya jg masih ijo, belom merah. karena gw ngiranya awalnya gw nerobos lampu merah.

processor celeron di otak gw masih loading, mikir2 apa yg salah...

gw :* nengok ke bawah.. pake celana kok gw.

processornya loading lagi..

gw: *ngeliat jam di mobil "9:05"

DAMN!! 3 in 1 dan gw cuma berdua di mobil dan dengan PD-nya gw jalan aja gitu di sudirman, padahal harusnya ngambil kiri di blok M plaza dan lewat bulungan... huh... kayanya perlu upgrade processor jadi intel 486 nih... lah, malah mundur... hahaha...

BEGOK... hahaha...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saxy Girls

Until now, all i know saxophonist still dominated by men. Just a little number of female saxophonist. but IMHO, girl and saxophone have some similarities, beautiful body and beautiful sound. hehe... What if a girl play a sax? i thought she's sexy. i like a girl who play sax, such as mindy abair, kaori kobayashi, etc.

hmm, will i find a girlfriend who play sax also? maybe... haha...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jazz Quotes of the Day

“I never had much interest in the piano until I realized that every time I played, a girl would appear on the piano bench to my left and another to my right.”

Duke Ellington

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mr. Anton - I'm In the Mood For Love

Mr Anton play I'm in the mood for love, using my tenor sax

Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2009 review

Woohoooo, another festival for the jazz lovers is comin to town in 6,7,and 8 march 2009, but unfortunately, i only come to the 2nd and 3rd day of jjf. thanks to Sarah & Ica who accompany me to the jjf... thanks sis..

okay, enough chit chat, here's the artist performance review:

Saturday 7 March 2009
Harvey Mason Quartet
it's the opening show for me this day, harvey mason is a great drummer, his drums plays really bring the audiences emotion. one thing that i confused from this performance is only 3 person who plays in this performance, but he still using "harvey mason quartet".hehe..

Chielli Minucci & Special EFX
hmm, first time i confused how to say his names, but the name it's not important at all. IMHO, they similar to level 42, but more american..

beautiful face and voice, what else did i miss? the first time i hear her voice in tompi's song "love letter", i already fallin love with her voice. she have a really jazzy voice, especially when she do the scat, uuugh, that's reaaaaaally beautiful. good job sierra.

a great pop jazz singer and flugelhorn player. he reminds me of ken hirai but in baritone voice. he also sing the cover version of rock with you (michael

I watch this guy, because my friend(pandji) play as the guitarist in this performance. he brings R&B songs with the funny lyrics. it's really entertaining. by the way, he is pandji that hosted the hole in the wall game show on RCTI.

One of my favorite band. They bring fusion jazz music, with a little latin and samba sound (perhaps from the trumpet and the percussion sound). of course they also play their singles (the man from nagpur and fingertip) which played as an opening and closing of the gig. my favorite part from this gig is the coda of the fingertip song which the saxophonist and the trumpetist (i don't know their name, because matzz the percusionist say their name in the "perfect" japlish) play together.

the great band from netherland, even though i don't understand the language, but the music is really smooth.

Ron King Big Band
I never get bored with classic jazz and swing music. they play really nice composition. especially the woodwind section, i like when their play solo alternately. haha, maybe i like the woodwinds section, because i also play woodwind instrument.

Sunday 8 March 2009
Tom Scott & Paulette McWilliam
Tom scott is one of the greatest saxophonist, joined with Paullete McWilliam is a great combination. But i think tom scott is better when he play tenor sax rather than alto sax.

Brother & Sister
My friend, pandji, also play in this band. They play more like a latin and samba. remind me of sergio mendez actually.

Brian McKnight

this is the show that not too jazzy actually. i expect brian play more his jazzy side, cause i know he also play jazz. but the jazzy part is only when he play piano and sing moody's mood for love. the rest? he play his hits. One thing that i hate from this show is that everybody on this show is with their couples. huh, makes me want to have a girlfriend ASAP. hehe...

Soil & PIMP Sessions

for me, this is the best show today. an energetic jazz band who bring a fusion jazz. They mix jazz with rock, metal, blues, techno, etc. I Love when they play A.I.E. and Crush! that's really make me want to do a headbang. but then i realize, this is a jazz concert, not a rock concert, haha...

when i watch their video, i don't know what the purpose of "the agitator". but when see it live, i understand what the purpose. Great job Shacho

Ivan Lins

Hmm, another legend on this java jazz. What else can i say? Ivan and his band play wonderfully, real smooth, and relaxing.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jazz Quotes of the Day

“Forgive me if I don’t have the words. Maybe I can sing it and you’ll understand.”

-Ella Fitzgerald-

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jazz Quotes of the Day

“It’s like a language. You learn the alphabet, which are the scales. You learn sentences, which are the chords. And then you talk extemporaneously with the horn. It’s a wonderful thing to speak extemporaneously, which is something I’ve never gotten the hang of. But musically I love to talk just off the top of my head. And that’s what jazz music is all about.”

- Stan Getz -

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Reed

I'm just try the new reed to improve my tone. after walkin from one music shop to another shop, i decide to buy Rico Select Jazz 2 Medium. i found this reed on MG blok m, the strength is equal to 2,5.

First reed that i try, looks like a bad copy, because the it has rough surface. it makes my lips bleedin in the first time i try to blew it.
then, i take the second reed, it feels better than the first one. it has smoother surface. and just like pete thomas said, we need to soak the new reed on water or liquor to make it softer.

after soaking the reed for a day, i use the reed. my tone didn't change to much, but it became more bolder and more fat than before. and of course, need more power to blow, because greater strength number, means more power (i use number 1,5 before).

IMHO, it's a great reed, a tenor sax player must try this..